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What is boudoir?

There is a very good chance that you have never heard of 'boudoir' before. So, welcome to a new world full of delightful surpises! 

As Wikipedia says.. Boudoir photography gained notoriety in France during the early 20th century when upper-class women were intimately photographed in their private salons. Artistic movements during this time contributed widely to the sensual depictions of women in both public and private spaces. The Art Nouveau and Art Deco movements broke away from previous art movements by emphasizing glamour and natural form, in which boudoir fit in well showcasing feminine beauty.

Aroudn the early 21st cnetroy it was focused on weddings, for their man

Now, epsically after the pandemic, focused on self love and female empoowerment

Different types... from traditional studios, private homes, and in the nature. The latter normally being full nude sessions as it as a way to connect the natural body with nature itself. The shoots can range from flirty clothes and attitudes across the spectrum to very sultury and nude work and artistic nudes.


Download our guide to get started. It will tell you what to bring, how to get inspired, and be the perfect place to review everything before arriving to the shoot.



Let's get started with a chat. You have nothing to lose! This helps break the ice as we chat about any doubts you have, and come up with some fun ideas for your unique experience. We will also clarify the pricing so that there are no surprises at the end.



Go ahead! You're worth the investment.

We have different packages, so simply contact us and we will send you the offers we currently have. It will also break down how the pricing works and explain what is and isn't included.



All sessions include...

~ Minimum shooting time of one hour (unless it is a Mini Session)

~ Direction and posing to make sure you get the best photos

     ~ even if you’ve never been in front of a camera before

~ Complimentary glass of wine

~ Guides to lingerie and clothing preparation

~ Pre-shoot consultation

~ Private online gallery for photo delivery

~ Professional retouching of images (sans Photoshop)


Time to break the ice! Relax! Let's calm your nerves by sitting down and sipping on a glass of wine and chatting a bit. 


I will tell you how the day will flow, give you some tips and tricks on how to relax and improve the poses. I promise you, some of these are going to make you laugh! And as we say in the photography and modeling world... "If it feels awkward, then it looks beautiful"


It is time to check out what you brought! I will see what the best combinations keeping in mind the location's lighting, colors, energy, and your body tone.

The Photoshoot!


We will progressively go from clothed photos to fewer clothes, and so on.
You get to decide up to what point you feel comfortable! The choice is yours...
...but don't be afraid to challenge yourself if you are feeling it!


Flip to see an example of a typical photoshoot.

Behind the scenes...


Time to break the ice! Relax! Let's calm your nerves by sitting down and sipping on a glass of wine. 


I will tell you how the day will flow, give you some tips and tricks on how to relax and improve the poses. I promise you, some of these are going to make you laugh! And as we say in the photography and modeling world... "If it feels awkward, then it looks beautiful"


It is time to check out what you brought! I will see what the best combinations keeping in mind the location's lighting, colors, energy, and your body tone.

Post Shoot

Now you know what to expect!
You're ready!
So let's jump on a quick call to make this a reality!

Are Senzual Sessions different?

SENZUAL PHOTO  nació con la visión de inspirar y empoderar a las mujeres comunes para crear su propia definición de belleza y no esperar a que la sociedad les diga qué es aceptable o no.  

Nos impulsa todos los días a encontrar 'mujeres reales' , a empoderarlas y animarlas a saltar frente a la cámara y ser el modelo que siempre se han aspirado a ser.


Sabes que es verdad, siempre te estás modelando frente al espejo ... ¡ahora es el momento de hacerlo de verdad! Es un momento para amarte a ti mismo y darte tu propio regalo que toca tu sensualidad a un nivel profundo e íntimo.

Cada mujer tiene una historia que contar. Permítanos contarlo por usted. Y no, no tienes que ser modelo para contar tu historia.

Amamos todo tipo de cuerpos, colores, estilos, cabello, ¡lo que sea! Y no te preocupes, no necesitas saber posar o modelar ... ¡déjanos esa parte a nosotros!

¡Consulta nuestras preguntas frecuentes para encontrar todas las respuestas que necesitas para prepararte para tu primera sesión!

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